
the home of pr, marketing, web site design and greetings cards....yes a strange mix but a good one.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

The Wriggly Nativity

There is little to beat the school nativity although an unexpected trip to the pantomime this year did come close. My little flowers excelled themselves in the school performance of a wriggly nativity, Mary sang like a dream & my fluffy sheep showed skills on four legs I never knew he had - hurahhh, I was SO proud. It really does bring a tear to the eye. I have become so soppy.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

It's christmas time

Oooh, the festive season is truly upon us. Have just recovered from Felix's birthday party.....14 x 5yr old boys !, spent 2 x days glued to the computer doing a powerpoint presentation culminating in a session yesterday with my client that lasted from 6am - 8pm, urghh, I do not want to sit at my computer ever again. Now I have to make a giant batch of mince pies for the school nativity tomorrow whilst Felix sits on the sofa throwing up into an old potty, oh the joys.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Santa in the snow

We've seen him. In Aberfeldy, in the snow. I asked him, if he was still coming to visit this year despite the economic gloom & he said: YES !

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

it doesn't rain but it pours.....

Wendyhouse was getting quite excited about Christmas....almost December & my wet woes began yesterday when I had mentally assigned the day for work & kitty woke up wheezing: so no school - I thought I could probably just about manage to deal with one child & work. Tim took Felix to school so out comes the computer & I start to work. Ten minutes later, they're back: flooding has closed school. Put film on, children happy, me working, so sort of happy. Hmmmmm, the stove is making a funny noise, it must be rain coming down the chimney so I close down stove. It's still making a funny noise I have another look & the flue is looking a bit hot....summon Tim......it's getting hotter....black flue now red......getting hotter......make Tim empty contents: CHIMNEY ON FIRE !!!!.....chimney white hot & smoke billowing now that is easy, we live opposite the fire station & butcher (chief fireman !) so I nip over the road to seek advice, urghhh all the firemen & engine out pumping flooded houses & rescuing floating cars.

Oh well, it could have been worse, we could have flooded......today: a kitchen full of vermiculite, no fire & it IS cold & I have a pile of wet washing to dry, trying to find chimney sweep in a hurry, almost mission impossible. Car not working....window still dicky, 2 x slow punctures , brake pads worn & new brake caliper required, I do not need this just before Christmas. Tim on holiday today, not striking like the children so he decides to do some work at his computer & the monitor blows up......Arghhhhhhhhhh what next ????

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

wendyhouse christmas cards support CRY

Wendyhouse christmas cards will support the charity CRY this year. Madeleine Mulcahey, my neice, died aged 2 very suddenly and unexpectedly the week before Christmas. This was totally devastating and shattering for her parents and their families.

CRY provides support to families whose apparently fit and healthy children who have died suddenly, it also funds screening and research into potentially fatal cardiac conditions.

Having seen the grief caused and the repercussions of such a tragic loss, I do understand the enormous importance of CRY. The support CRY can offer to parents is crucial. Madeleine would have been 13 this year and is still very much missed by all her family, so please buy some cards at www.wendyhouse.uk.com which may help to reduce the numbers of children who die in this way.

Support the work undertaken by this charity and raise the awareness of CRY:

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

60mph with open windows

An exciting day in Stirling yesterday.....yes such a thing IS possible with new specs and Christmas shopping in Primark !! Set off for home, stuck the parking ticket in the machine & my window wouldn't close - so 20 miles home, then another 15 miles to pick up children & deliver to after school activities by which time I was freezing and the buffeting wind made my head feel as though it was on the wrong way round. Tim to the rescue with some pliers and grippy stuff which together with brut force did the trick.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Breakfast near Ian Rankin

A funny thing happened at the weekend. My husband & I were given tickets to have breakfast with Ian Rankin ......hurahhhhh.......with great anticipation we set out for an unlikely dose of culture in an unlikely place: Aberfeldy. Breakfast was strange - fresh orange juice including all skin & pith ( I do NOT recommend this !) and white chocolate porridge (not sure I could recommend this either). The excitement of brushing shoulders with the literary establishment kept us keen & we persevered . Hmmmm, now bacon & eggs & STILL no Ian Rankin. Third cup of tea & YES, he's arrived. Finished a big breakfast & wondered how long we would have to wait before it started. Final cup of tea....just so we don't miss it. Ian is now having HIS breakfast. We ask a waitress, is anything going to happen ?


it already has, we had breakfast NEAR IAN RANKIN !!!

wendyhouse: new post:new blog

wendyhouse: new post:new blog: well, here it is. watch out for posts

new post:new blog

well, here it is. watch out for posts