
the home of pr, marketing, web site design and greetings cards....yes a strange mix but a good one.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

summer in spring

The new car is chugging away quite nicely, it is very clean & shiny & smells quite fragrant too. BUT, it has an electric handbrake, a completely pointless invention if ever there was one, it will be a long time before I even attempt a hill start.....quite tricky when you live in a very hilly bit of Scotland........it is true, we too are having a heatwave. It is a complete relief to see the sunshine after non-stop rain for the last nine months. I now have to dig out all the moss that has overtaken my flower beds & vegetable patch - I try & see it as part of my failing fitness regime.

I have been thinking that it is about time I actually started do something about my new year's resolutions  so I have taken the momentous step &  purchased a "couch potato to athlete" running app for my phone though I am still very much at the couch potato end as I haven't yet taken it out !

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